1337Welcome to the official site of IICBEE. Our goal is to to bring together Researchers, Scientists, Engineers, Scholars and Students in the areas of Engineering & Bio-sciences, and provides a forum for dissemination of results, new ideas, Research & development and practical experiments, which concentrate on both theory and practices, for the benefit of human Being and Society.

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Call for Papers-CBEE-2014

International Conference on Civil, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE-2014) provide a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Civil, Biological and Environmental Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Environment Engineering


Agricultural Biotechnology

Agricultural biotechnology & developing countries

Agricultural Biotechnology regulations, rules & perceptions

Animal biotechnology

Application of artificial intelligence in food engineering research and in industry

Beverage and Fermentation Technology

Biocatalysis, organocatalysis and nanobiotechnology

Biomedical Computational drug discovery

Bio-MEMS and microbioreactors

Biomimetic and self-assembled materials

Biosensors and molecular diagnostics

Breeding and genetics

Cell and tissue engineering

Cellular and molecular biology

Composition of foods

Control and system engineering for food industry

Crop breeding, genetics & genomics

Diet-related diseases

Domestic animal breeding, genomics & biotechnology

Drug screning and pharmaceutical synthesis

Electronics and instrumentation in food industry

Environmental Biotechnology

Enzyme Engineering

Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems

Coasts and Seas

Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Cognition

Development and environment

Development Planning and Policy

Disasters Management

Education on Energy and Environment

Environmental economics - sustainable services and systems

Environmental impact assessment

Environmental law - environmental policies

Environmental performance of enterprise

Environmental psychology

Environmental risk

Environmental Science and Engineering

Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Food Science and Technology

Health aspects of waste water and solid waste management

Hydrological modification

Marine Biology and Sciences

Mathematical Biology

Medical and Pharmaceutical Engineering

Natural resources management

Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection

Pollution control

Pollution control technologies

Polymer-based targeting techniques and nanotechnology

Positive Psychology

Soil and agricultural issues

Solid waste management

Solid waste management and recycling

Spatial Cognition

Sport Psychology

Statistical inference, and the learning theory

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Strategic Management Policy

Stress Management

Supply Change Management

Sustainability indicator

Sustainable Process Model

Systems Management

Systems Thinking

Understanding Explanatory Coherence

Urban design and cultural heritage

Waste water management and aquaculture

Water Engineering

Water resources management and water quality

Biological  Sciences


Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology

Biochips and Bioinstrumentation

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Biomaterial and Biomolecular Engineering


Biomedical Signal Processing, Imaging and Visualization

Bionanotechnology and BioMEMS

Biooptics and Biosensing

Biorobotics, Surgical Robotics and Surgical Planning

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems

Cell Mechanics

Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurosystems

Drug Discovery and Design

Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare

Pharmaceutical Engineering

Targeted Drug and Gene Delivery

Tissue Engineering

Administrative Pharmacy and Policy Development

Analytic methods

Application of dissolution testing to regulatory approval

Atmospheric science

Biological and medical applications

Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies

Biomolecular Science and Engineering

Bioscience and Technology

Bioseparations Science and Engineering


Careers in pharmacy

Cells and Synapses

Change Management

Clinical & Community Psychology

Clinical and Counseling Psychology

Clinical and Health Informatics

Clinical applications (diagnostic and therapeutic)

Clinical development of new drugs from natural sources

Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Clinical Neuropsychology

Clinical psychology

Community Pharmacy

Complementary medicine

Developing a new resource for drug discovery

Development and use of herbal medicinal products in clinical and pharmaceutical practice

Dissolution testing and application

Drug Design and Development

Dynamical systems

Education in nuclear pharmacy

Engineering problems and applications

Environment and Pharmaceuticals

Ethical issues in pharmacogenetics

Fragment-based design of new drugs/new methods of computer-aided drug design

Hospital Pharmacy

In vitro-in vivo correlation for modified release drug products

In vitro-in vivo correlation: Importance of dissolution in IVIVC

Individualization of Drug Therapy and Ethical Concerns

Industrial Pharmacy

Inversion problems in Geophysics

Lipid based systems and nanotechnology

Medical instruments and devices

Military and Emergency Pharmacy

Modeling and computation of soft matter materials and complex fluids

Molecular dynamics

Monte Carlo methods and applications


Nanotechnology in cancer research

Nanotechnology in medicine and in targeted drug delivery and imaging


Neuropsychological Studies of Mind and Brain

New Radiopharmaceuticals

New strategies in modern medicinal chemistry.

Nuclear Pharmacy

Past, present and future of drug development

PET clinical applications and clinical development

PET uses in drug development

Pharmaceutical care

Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Applications

Pharmacogenetics of drug-metabolizing enzymes: Implications for a safer drug therapy

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pharmacy Education

Pharmacy Engineering

Physiological modelling, simulation, and control

Plant Science and Technology

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Quality, Safety and Efficacy of Natural Products

Role of natural products in drug discovery against liver cancer


The Pharmacogenetics of anticancer agents

The Pharmacogenetics of central nervous system drugs

Transformation methods and applications

Understanding dissolution testing and In-Vitro – In Vivo Correlation (IVIVC)

Civil Engineering



Actions and policies to implement sustainable construction

Adapting to Climate Change

Advanced Monitoring Systems

Architectural Engineering


Biomimicry and design with nature

Building sustainability assessment tools

Civil Engineering

Conservation (buildings and nature)

Conserve energy, water and other resources

Construction Engineering

Design and technologies for energy efficiency and conservation

Design for climate change

Design for deconstruction

Design for flexibility

Design for minimizing and using construction and demolition waste

Design for Security and Sustainability

Design for service-life

Design quality

Designing Inclusive Environments

Designing the sustainable city of tomorrow and Urban Sustainability

Develop energy efficient buildings at design stage to secure long-term savings

Eco-materials and technologies

End-user and community involvement

Energy and Environment

Environmental Science and Engineering

Health and safety

Improvements in Numerical Modelling and Analytical Approaches

Indoor environment quality and benchmarks

Innovative sustainable construction systems

Life Cycle Analysis

Location and Urban Design


New Cement-Based Materials

New constructive Techniques and Systems

Planning and building law and trends

Planning aspects for sustainable construction (construction site, procurement and commissioning)

Reduce the noise, pollution, flooding and microclimatic effects


Re-use land and buildings

Social inclusion

Sustainable design and construction standards

Sustainable design, construction and development

Sustainable management of existing building stock

Sustainable resources and materials use

Transport and Environment

Urban and Regional Planning

Urban Design and Development

Use of industrial waste

Use of non-conventional materials

Waste minimisation