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Tentative Conference Program

Updated on Nov. 20, 2018

DIRPUB & IICBE Int’l Conference Program Dec. 17-19, 2018 Lisbon (Portugal)

Dec 17, 2018 (Monday) Venue: Lobby of VIP Executive Zurique Hotel

3:00 pm-5:00 pm

Arrival and Registration


Dec 18, 2018 (Tuesday) Venue: Conference Hall


Opening Remarks

Prof. Dr. P. S. Sandhu

Professor and Director-Principal (Ex.), Rayat-Bahra University, India


Keynote Speech- 1

Dr. Saba Yunus

Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, Mahila Mahavidyalaya P.G. College, Kanpur, India


Keynote Speech- 2

Prof. Dr. Bülent Topcuo?lu

Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey


Photo Session & Coffee Break


Dec. 18, 2018 (Tuesday)


Venue: Conference Hall-I

Session Chair: Dr. Saba Yunus

Time: 10:20 am-12:30 pm

Paper Id

Registered Author and Affiliation*

Paper Title


15th LISBON – PORTUGAL International Conference on “Business, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences” (LBHESS-18)


Sercan Bursa

PhD Student, Anadolu University Faculty of Education, Turkey

Problems Faced by a Newly Appointed Social Studies Teacher in Teaching-Learning Process

Sercan Bursa


Dr. Pelin Aytemiz

Associate Professor,  Baskent Üniversity, Turkey

Tracing / Subverting Patterns of Melodrama:  On Almodovar’s All About My Mother

Pelin Aytemiz


Dr. Kuei-Chiu Chen

Associate Professor, Department of Premedical Education, Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, Education City, Qatar Foundation, P.O. Box 24144, Doha, Qatar

Contribution of a Field Trip to the Teaching Value of Invertebrate Diversity

Kuei-Chiu Chen


Tara Sehatzadeh

PhD. Scholar, Division of Education, Arts, and Social Science, University of South Australia, Australia

A Relationship Re-visited - Exploring the Relationship between Ideology and the Shape of Script by Examining the Case of the Perso-Arabic Script

Tara Sehatzadeh


Stamatina Kalyveza

PhD Student, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece

Enhancing the Social and Emotional Skills of High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Peer Network Intervention: “The Circle-Time Model”.

Stamatina Kalyveza, Aik. Maridaki-Kassotaki, Agg. Gena and Aik. Antonopoulou


Umar Farooq Sahibzada

Ph.D. Scholar Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Examining Dark Triad Model of Personality as a Predictor of Academic Entitlement in Student’s: A Case from Chinese Universities

Umar Farooq Sahibzada, Prof. Cai Jianfeng, Zahid Shafait, Sumaira Khurshid and Mikiale Gebreslase


Cevdet Bala

Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey

Caring Students with Non-academic Aspects

Cevdet Bala


Suseela Devi Chandran

Associate Professor, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia

Malaysia’s Foreign Policy under Mahathir Mohamed 2.0: Equidistance and South Empowerment

Suseela Devi Chandran



Associate Professor, Selçuk University Faculty of Communication, Turkey

Soc?al Med?a as the Op?n?on Leader: Consumers to Purchase Onl?ne Cloth?ng Product



Elona Nazari

Economic Faculty, Marketing Department, Tirana University, Albania

Albanian Fason Industry. Made in Albania Brands

Elona Nazari and Mirela Mersini


Bandana Sinha Kumar

Lecturer/ Researcher, Department of Literature & Languages, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia

An Eco-critical Interpretation of “Things Fall Apart”

Bandana Sinha Kumar


Gary Scudder

Professor of History, Champlain College, 163 South Willard, Burlington, Vermont, US

Transformative Moments and Intentionality: Reverse Engineering to Maximize the Study Abroad Experience

Gary Scudder


Okolocha Loveth Destiny

Lecturer, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria

Effects of Market Segmentation on Consumers’ needs Satisfaction and Organisational Growth in Intercontinental Distillers Limited, Lagos, Nigeria

Okolocha Destiny L and Sonowo Olatunji O




Owusu Sekyere Amofah

CEO / Founder, Owusu Amofah Consult, Ghana


Shno Esmael Mala

Sulaimanyah, Iraq



Dec. 18, 2018 (Tuesday)

Venue: Outside Conference Hall

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. P S Sandhu

Time: 9:00 am -11:00 am

Paper Id

Registered Author and Affiliation*

Paper Title


15th LISBON – PORTUGAL International Conference on “Business, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences” (LBHESS-18)


Ami  Rokach,  Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Center for Academic Studies, Israel

The Bi-directional Connection of Leadership and Loneliness

Ami  Rokach


Rana Mohammadzadeh Esmaeili

Student, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

The Relationship between Emotional Regulation, Positive and Negative Affective with Attitude towards Violence against Women in Married Men

Rana Mohammadzadeh Esmaeili, Dr.Afsaneh Ghanbari Panah and Dr.Parisa Tajali


Dr. Marcos García-Ergüín

Associate Professor,  ESNE (University camilo José Cela), Spain

The European Cartoon Genre - National Identity and Commercial Patterns in the Non-hollywood Animated Film Industry

Dr. Marcos García-Ergüín


Prof. Dr.Erhan Ero?lu

Assistant Professor, Communication Management and Design, Anadolu University, Eski?ehir, Turkey

Motivation in Classroom

Prof. Dr.Erhan Ero?lu

18th LISBON – PORTUGAL International Conference on “Computer, IT and Future Computational Techniques” (CITFCT-2018)


Piotr Jakubowski

PhD Student, Military University of Technology  im. Jaros?aw D?browski, Warsaw, Poland

Implementation of the Method and Algorithm of Decision Support in Epidemiological Diagnostics

Piotr Jakubowski

14th LISBON International Conference on Agricultural, Biological, Environmental and Medical Sciences (LABEMS-18)


Kara Karima

Associate Professor, Université des Frères Mentouri, Constantine, Algérie

Investigation of Genetic Diversity among Bread Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) Using SSR Markers

Kara Karima, Rached-Kanouni Malika and Ben Naceur M’barek


Rached-Kanouni Malika

Assistant Professor, University Larbi Ben M’Hidi, Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria

Effects of Low Temperature on Concentrations of Soluble Sugars and Quercitol of Cork Oak Seedlings

Rached-Kanouni Malika and Kara Karima


Ali Baghdadi

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Crop Science Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Silage Corn as a Source of Animal Feed

Ali Baghdadi, Mohd Fauzi Ramlan and Siti Zaharah Sakimin


Sandra Górska

Student, Medical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Drug Technology and Pharmaceutial Biotechnology, Banacha 1 Street, 02-097 Warsaw, Poland

Analysis of the Cytotoxic Activity of Extracts (Containing Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine and Se-polysaccharides) of the Medicinal Mushroom Lentinula edodes (shiitake)

Sandra Górska and Jadwiga Tur?o



12:30 pm – 1:10 pm



Dec. 18, 2018 (Tuesday)


Venue: Conference Hall-I

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. P. S. Sandhu

Time: 1:10 pm-3:30 pm

Paper Id

Registered Author and Affiliation*

Paper Title


15th LISBON – PORTUGAL International Conference on “Business, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences” (LBHESS-18)


Dr. My-Trinh Bui

Lecturer, Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Determinants of Organizational Innovation: A Combination of Meta-analysis and Co-citation Analysis

ThiHaTrang (Lucy) Dang and My-Trinh Bui



Rana Barua

Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhorn Rajavidyalaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom 73160, Thailand

Religious Studies

Rana Barua



Akshit Badiani

Student, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India

Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns

Akshit Badiani



Abhinav Jindal

Student, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India

A Study on Mobile Banking: Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Sector Banks in India

Abhinav Jindal



Prof. Dr. Mehmat Faith Ozmantar

Professor, Gaziantep University, Turkey

On What Sources Do Mathematics Teacher Educators Rely in Coming to Know Effective Mathematics Teaching?

Gulay Agac and Mehmet Fatih Ozmantar


Dr. Zehra Keser Ozmantar

Assistant Professor, Gaziantep University, Turkey

The Effect of Neoliberalism on Parents’ Preference for the School Types

Dilek Karata?o?lu and Zehra Keser Ozmantar


Dr. Edosa Osawe

Assistant Professor, Department of Education Foundation and Management, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Ali University, Epkoma Edo state, Nigeria

Strengthening Education in Rural Communities of Developing Countries/Nations

Nobuaki Tanaka and Kazunari Tanaka


Kian Pishkar

Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Jieroft Branch, Iran

Professors' Perceptions of  University Students' Autonomy

Kian Pishkar, Nooshin Nasery and Kiarash Pishkar


Absurdity of Wilson's Female Characters’ Survival, Success and Spirituality and their Siren Position


Dr. Ekhator Jonathan Nosa

Department of sociology, Faculty of Social Siences, Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Nigeria

Population Rapid Growth and the Environment: The Case of Nigeria as a Country in West Africa

Ekhator Jonathan Nosa


Aihiokhai Evans Ifidon

Department Of Environmental Management And Toxicology, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State,  Nigeria

Wealth Generation through Recycling of Materials for Reuse

Aihiokhai Evans Ifidon and Patience I E


Secil Somer

English Language Teacher, Department of Foreign languages, Anadolu University, Turkey

A Male Spouse’s Second Language Emergence with Respect to His Workplace, Family and Spouse Identities

Secil Somer


Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalid Al Mashakhi

Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Applied Sciences, Dhofar University, Salalah, Oman

The Impact of Transformational Leadership of School Principals on Professional Competency for Teachers; A Pedagogical Study

Dr. Khalid Al Mashakhi


Dr. Dilek Erdogan

Assistant Professor, Gaziantep Üniversity, Turkey 

Determ?nat?on of Balanced Scorecard D?mens?ons for an A?rl?ne Ground Handl?ng Company

Dilek Erdogan


Dr. Sabiha Annaç Göv

Assistant Professor, Gaziantep Üniversity, Turkey

Strategic Collaborations in Airline Businesses: Comparison of Skyteam, Oneworld, Star Alliance Groups

Sabiha Annaç Göv


Dec. 18, 2018 (Tuesday)


Venue: Conference Hall-I

Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Bülent Topcuo?lu

Time: 3:30 pm-5:30 pm

Paper Id

Registered Author and Affiliation*

Paper Title


14th LISBON International Conference on Agricultural, Biological, Environmental and Medical Sciences (LABEMS-18)


Rawaa Jaafar Hameed

Lecturer, Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq

Discerption and Recording Species Orosius albicinctus Distant, 1918 from Al- Eadim Area in Diyala Province

Dr. Rawa' J. H. Al-Kaissy and Dr. Hassan S. Al-Asady


Aseel Fouad AL-Husaini

Lecturer, Department of Biology, College of Education for pure Science(Ibn Al-Haitham),University of Baghdad, Iraq

Anatomical Study of Species Ipomoea carnea Jaca. (Convolvulaceae) in Iraq

Aseel Fouad AL-Husaini and Israa Kareem Nasrullah


Yonghwan Kim

PhD candidate, Daisung Green Tech (Company), Seoul National University, South Korea

Pilot Study on the Removal of Micropollutants in Biological Wastewater Treatment

Yonghwan Kim, Seungbae Oh, Gwonho Joo and Miran Lee


Prof. Dr. Nil Pembe Özer

Professor, Kocaeli University, Turkey

The Effect of Different Blanching Methods With Different Drying Temperatures on the Quality of Sea Cucumber

Nil Pembe Özer, Özlem Akgöz and Nadide Seyhun


Abdelmonem Mohamed Amer

Professor, Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University, 32511Shebin EI-Kom, Egypt

Water Movement in Unsaturated Conditions of Cultivated Soils

Abdelmonem Mohamed Amer


Franklin N. Mabe

Lecturer, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agribusiness and Communication Sciences, University for Development Studies, Ghana

Does Contract Farming Improve Rice Yield In Ghana?

Franklin N. Mabe

15th PORTUGAL International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Waste Management (ASETWM-18)


Saeed Sohrabi

Student, Master in Civil Engineering  Geotechnical Engineering  : University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran

Climate Changes and its Impacts on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Case Study: Touchal Slopes in North of Tehran

Saeed Sohrabi


How Climate Change Impacts on Geotechnical Infrastructures, Case Study ; Tehran, Iran

Saeed Sohrabi and Dr Mohammad Haji Sotudeh


Aihiokhai Evans Ifidon

Assistant Professor, Department Of Industrial & Production Engineering, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria.

Wealth Generation through Recycling of Materials for Reuse

Aihiokhai Evans Ifidon and Patience I E


Ekhator Jonathan Nosa

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Enginering, Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria

Understanding Basic Qualities of High Performance Concrete Use In Construction Environments

Ekhator Jonathan Nosa and Dr E. E Afamefuna


Beatrice ELIA

PhD Student, Roma Tre University, Italy

Municipal Solid Waste: New Boundaries for High-Distorted-Scenarios Biofuel Supplying

Andrea Cara, Beatrice Elia and Francesca Jacobone

18th LISBON – PORTUGAL International Conference on “Computer, IT and Future Computational Techniques” (CITFCT-2018)


Görkem Arslan K?l?nç

PhD Candidate, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Construction Technology,  Turkey

A Review of Parametric Design of Tall Buildings

Görkem Arslan K?l?nç and Prof. Dr. Aysin Sev


Maurice Danaher

Associate Professor, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates

An Innovative Approach to Skills Assessment in Computing

Maurice Danaher, Kevin Schoepp and Ashley Ater Kranov


Kavita Jhajharia

Assistant Professor, Manipal University, Jaipur, India

A Survey: CBSE and OOSE

Kavita Jhajharia


Shaimaa Mohamed

Student, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computers & Inofrmation, Helwan University, 11795 Ain Helwan, Cairo, Egypt

Face Spoofing Detection Based on Texture Descriptors

Shaimaa Mohamed, Amr Ghoneim and Aliaa Youssif




Prof. Ranjith Wijayawardana

Professor, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka



3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Parallel Tea/Coffee